
zero hour中文是什么意思

  • 【军事】预定行动开始时刻;严格考验的起点;能率的最低点。



  • 例句与用法
  • Ok , it ' s zero hour . all teams execute on my count
  • Zero hour for the bombers to take off will be midnight
    回答1 .深夜将是轰炸机起飞发动攻击的时刻
  • Get your equipment ready , it ' s coming up to zero hour
  • Zero hour is upon us
  • She had worked for radio tokyo and , for two years , had part - hosted a programme called “ the zero hour
  • This tariff standard will come into effect from 1st january 2006 . all container vessels berthed at qqct after zero hour will be charged at this tariff standard
  • The aerage amount of t / ideo iewing for the group was 1 . 7 hours per day , so most children in this study were in line with the american academy of pediatrics recommendation of zero hours of screen time up until age 2 and no more than two hours per day after age 2
    这些儿童每天看电视时间平均1 . 7小时,研究中的大多数儿童看电视时间符合美国儿科学会推荐的标准,即2岁前不看电视, 2岁后每天不超过2小时。
  • The prevention of the spread of infectious diseases ( amendment ) regulation 2003 , made under section 8 of the quarantine and prevention of disease ordinance ( cap 141 ) , will be published in the government gazette tomorrow ( april 17 ) to take effect from zero hour on the gazettal day
    《 2 0 0 3年防止传染病蔓延(修订)规例》是根据《检疫及防疫条例》 (第1 4 1章)而制定,将于明日(四月十七日)刊登宪报,并由刊登宪报当日凌晨零时生效。
  • The mutual inductor of electric current and voltage mutual inductor play an important role in relay protection . prevent from ct differential to protect and miss movement an important subject that the generatrix is protected on the saturation , put forward two electric current pass zero hour linear to spread person who become put into differential to protect in ct in recent years , avoid ct saturation district , can judge the bus bar trouble correctly
    但是在母线区外发生短路故障(特别是故障电流含有大量非周期分量)时, ct会出现饱和现象, ct饱和后,不能正确地传变一次侧电流,从而使二次电流发生严重畸变,产生很大的差电流,这样就容易引起误动作。防止ct饱和时差动保护误动作一直是母线保护的一个重要课题,近年来提出的在ct二次电流过零时的线性传变区投入差动保护,避开ct饱和区,能对母线故障做出正确判断。
  • 英文解释
  • the time set for the start of an action or operation

  • 其他语种释义
  • zero hourとは意味:行動開始時刻{こうどう かいし じこく}、決定的瞬間{けってい てき しゅんかん} The street was filled with men lined up waiting for zero hour -- the opening of the pachinko parlor. パチンコ屋の開店という決定的瞬間を待ち望む男性の行列で、通りは埋め尽くされた。
  • 推荐英语阅读
zero hour的中文翻译,zero hour是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译zero hour,zero hour的中文意思,zero hour的中文zero hour in Chinesezero hour的中文zero hour怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
